8 June 2007 - 17:55Whew.. submitted to MICRO

The last several days were.. filled with activity – gathering data and preparing a paper submission to MICRO-40. It’s my first time to submit a paper, and it’s mostly the research I did during the Masters portion of the degree, so it’ll be interesting to see how things work out.

Yay for screen multiplexing! Perhaps it’s more useful for my 12″ iBook G4, but ssh + screen to keep console sessions running from a single terminal is very useful when moving around remotely. Add in vim‘s own document splitting.. I’ve got 10+ virtual windows with many more subwindows to edit scripts like crazy. All this is going on with X windows opening and closing as tests start and finish…

After 100s of emails and last minute changes.. time for a nap.

X windows galore

Running a ton of tests remotely – X windows everywhere!

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